Dräger PARAT® 5550
”Ready to act” increases safety
With its EN 137:2006, Type 2 and EN 403:2004 approved combination of breathing apparatus, fire escape hood and holster, Dräger is going one step further in victim rescue. The fire escape hood can be carried along (e.g. on the breathing apparatus) without restricting the rescuer's freedom of movement. When it is needed, it is there. The fast deployment of the Dräger PARAT 5550 contributes to the safety of the person being rescued.
Always available, always ready
As it is not always clear in advance whether or not people are inside the scene of the incident, it is recommended to carry a fire escape hood at all times. For at least 15 minutes, a fire escape hood protects against highly toxic fire-related gases, like CO, as well as vapors and particles. Carried at all times, the PARAT 5550 can also save lives in a respiratory protection emergency, for example in the event of a disconnected air supply.
Easy opening, intuitive use
The Dräger PARAT 5550 system solution keeps carrying, opening and donning the fire escape hood simple: The wearer opens the holster, removes the foil pouch containing the escape hood, opens it along the perforation — with ease, even when wearing gloves — and helps the person being rescued to don it. A clearly visible pictogram further illustrates the donning procedure.
More than just an accessory
With its reflective stripes, the holster is clearly visible from a distance. The material used is suitable for cleaning in washing machines. The inner label can also be used for personalization, meaning that the holster can be marked with an individual’s identification. The holster can be attached to the breathing apparatus using the integrated belt loop with emergency release or the approved accessories like the shoulder harness or the carabiner hook. Optional accessory pockets (small and large) for further equipment like wedges or loops can be ordered separately.
Cost efficiency through long service life
The PARAT 5550 has an eight year service life time and the filter is well protected through the filter plugs during this time. So it is uncritical if the unit is stored for some time before use. The filter expiration date is visible from the outside of the foil pouch enabling cost-effective maintenance. Due to the filter plugs, the product can still be used in the event the foil pouch is punctured.
PARAT 5550 Product Information, en
The Dräger PARAT® 5550 is a fire escape hood packaged in a flameretardant holster. It was specifically developed for fire rescue teams for use in victim rescue. The main advantage: The PARAT® 5550 is system approved together with Dräger breathing apparatus according to EN 137:2006, Type 2.