Showing 1–12 of 59 results

Astro Blasting Respirator

The Astro is a high performing, economical option for abrasive blasting operations.

C40™ Climate Control Device

The RPB C40 is a robust climate control device, designed to give you ultimate comfort when using your RPB supplied air respirator.The C40 ensures you’re protected for life’s best moments by maintaining you at your optimum body temperature, so you don’t suffer from heat exhaustion or chilling. With its simple sleek design, cool incoming air by up to 52°F (29°C) or alternatively, heat it by up to 33°F (18°C) all by the slide of a lever.

Gas Cartridge/Filter Door for PX5 PAPR

Gas Filter Door is the OV/AG/HE or MG Filter Cover for PX5 PAPR.

High Efficiency HEPA Filter for PX5 PAPR

High Efficiency HEPA Filter is compatible with PX5 PAPR.03-892

HX5 PAPR assembly with HEPA Filter and Decon Belt

With the simple press of a button, experience clean filtered air in an instant as the HX5 removes up to 99.97% of particles down to 0.12 microns.


The RPB PX5® changes the way people experience clean filtered air across multiple industries – from medical and chemical settings, through to the profoundly harsh environments of foundries.The PX5 is the result of years of product refinement, designed with new functional capabilities that increase your ability to perform, while enhancing your experience of comfort. The PX5 redefines what it means to be a powered air purifying respirator.

Nova 2000® Blast Respirator

The RPB Nova 2000 revolutionizes the abrasive blasting experience through its breakthrough technology and comfort, enabling you to get more out of your day. With breakthrough technology and comfort, the Nova 2000 has been designed around the operator’s needs to advance their safety and productivity.

Nova 3 Blast Respirator with Climate Control

The Nova 3 revolutionizes the abrasive blasting experience with the world’s most comfortable blasting respirator.With breakthrough technology and comfort, the Nova 3 has been designed around your needs to advance your
safety and productivity.

Nova 3 Blast Respirator with Constant Flow Valve

The Nova 3 revolutionizes the abrasive blasting experience with the world’s most comfortable blasting respirator. With breakthrough technology and comfort, the Nova 3 has been designed around your needs to advance your safety and productivity.

Nova 3® Abrasive Blasting Respirator with C40 Climate Control Device

The RPB Nova 3 revolutionizes the abrasive blasting experience with the world’s most comfortable blasting respirator.With breakthrough comfort and technology, the Nova 3 has been designed around your needs to advance your safety and increase productivity.

PAPR Replacement Battery

RPB Safety PX5 Battery Pack is a Long-life Lithium-ion battery.The PAPR
replacement battery is for the PX5 and HX5 PAPRs.

PX5 Combination HEPA A2P3 Gas Filters

The PX5 HEPA A2P3 removes particles and organic vapors.03-893-A2